Mini: Pay it Forward! EP. 60
The story of how a master plumber’s act of kindness towards a widow and her family, did not go unnoticed.
Read MoreThe story of how a master plumber’s act of kindness towards a widow and her family, did not go unnoticed.
Read MoreAre you addicted to your phone, and if so, what can you do about it? What is a “digital sabbath?” Do Jewish Women have faces? And more, with special guest, Adina Sash, aka @flatbushgirl!
Read MoreShabbos can be a lonely time for many, but reaching out, even for a brief call, can have an extraordinary effect!
Read MoreAre you a part of the “anti-banana” movement, why there is nothing new under the sun, and guest Patricia Greenberg, “The Fitness Gourmet,” says you should always act your age!
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