Relieving Pain with Acupuncture! EP. 90
Do acupuncture needles hurt, how the Ba’al Shem Tov practiced ancient medicine, what acupressure points help with headache or nausea, and more with special guest, Roy Kimia L.Ac.!
Read MoreDo acupuncture needles hurt, how the Ba’al Shem Tov practiced ancient medicine, what acupressure points help with headache or nausea, and more with special guest, Roy Kimia L.Ac.!
Read MoreAll your collagen questions answered! What is this anti-aging secret, how do you take it, and what are its benefits, with special guest, Joy Harari of Shore Magic!
Read MoreDo you engage in negative self-talk, is it important for your children to see you taking care of yourself, and how is exercise the drug of choice for our special guest, Liba Yoffe of Spirit Fit Life!
Read MoreWhich herbs help lift the black cloud, are popsicles the best way to take herbal remedies, and how what your body needs can be found in your own backyard, and more, with special guest Sara-Chana Silverstein, Master Herbalist!
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