Jewish holiday

4 Holiday Hacks for Surviving the Yom Tov Season

Menu-planning for the holidays has quickly become the transcontinental operation it was always destined to turn into. Group chats chart recipe swapping between family members around the world as soon as back-to-school season starts. This makes way for color-coded spreadsheets which lead to shopping lists planned out based on potential routes through the grocery store….

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The Truth About Dairy: Setting the Record Straight Just in Time for Shavuos

Walk into just about any coffee shop and you will be inundated with regular milk alternatives: almond, soy, oat, or even goat milk are among some of the most popular options. As we begin to discover more about our digestive systems and how our bodies react to different foods, we are adjusting our diets to…

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Healthy Eating During Passover: How One Week Can Set the Tone for Your Year-Round Habits

While every Jewish holiday has the potential to send even the most prepared hostess into a tizzy of planning and cooking, Passover is perhaps the most stressful of them all. This 8-day long holiday brings lots of family time, even more pressure than usual to have a meticulously clean home, and the added stress of…

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