Relieving Pain with Acupuncture! EP. 90
Do acupuncture needles hurt, how the Ba’al Shem Tov practiced ancient medicine, what acupressure points help with headache or nausea, and more with special guest, Roy Kimia L.Ac.!
Read MoreDo acupuncture needles hurt, how the Ba’al Shem Tov practiced ancient medicine, what acupressure points help with headache or nausea, and more with special guest, Roy Kimia L.Ac.!
Read MoreMindful eating to help you remain on track on Shabbos, the 3 bite rule, and is variety the spice of life? All of this and more with special guest Rebekah Fedrowitz!
Read MoreWhy you should eat breakfast to kickstart your day, tips for keeping your energy up, easy breakfast options for you and your family, and more!
Read MoreEating for Health, what diet is right for me, the 4 Levels of Eating and more with special guest Dr. Ed Bauman!
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