Month: April 2019

Eating Disorders in the Orthodox Jewish Community, EP. 37

Is our rigid way of eating Kosher contributing to eating disorders, what are the warning signs, and where to get help? 

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Healthy Eating During Passover: How One Week Can Set the Tone for Your Year-Round Habits

While every Jewish holiday has the potential to send even the most prepared hostess into a tizzy of planning and cooking, Passover is perhaps the most stressful of them all. This 8-day long holiday brings lots of family time, even more pressure than usual to have a meticulously clean home, and the added stress of…

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Pesach Perfectly Organized! EP. 35

Is Pesach cleaning different from spring cleaning, why a crock pot is your best friend, and how Oprah helped our guest, Rivka Slatkin, start her organization business, and more!

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Mini: Sweet as Sugar! Ep. 34

As we add the sugar to our challah dough, we should think about adding sweetness to the lives of people around us. Photo by James Besser on Unsplash

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The Fit Jewess! Ep. 33

Why are forbidden waters sweeter, is Dance Dance Revolution a good workout, and more with guest Sara Kupfer, the Fit Jewess!

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