Clean Beauty, Ep. 23
How to clean up your beauty routine, find out what is really in your lipstick, and more with guest Zulica Kessel, founder of her own clean skincare line.
Mini: God as Matchmaker, Ep.18
Since the creation of the world, God has kept busy making matches between husbands and wives.
Diet Confusion?!?! Ep.17
We tackle the myriad of fad diets, which is best for you, why you shouldn’t eat like a caveman, and more!
Mini: Wise Men of Chelm, Ep.14
Dietary advice is everywhere, but as the Wise Men of Chelm demonstrate, do not take the counsel of fools.
All Things Exercise, Ep.13
Biggest mistake people make at the gym, how often you should exercise, what foods should you eat before and after, and more with personal trainer, Jennifer Campbell.
Mini: God Works in Mysterious Ways, Ep.12
My friend’s story of how she met her husband shows us how God works in mysterious ways.
Our Drinking Problem, Ep.11
Why regular soda is better than diet soda, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, dehydration and more!
Mini: Be Patient and You Will See, Ep.10
A lovely story of a farmer and a city slicker that shows the importance of patience in our lives.
Stay on Track on Shabbos, Ep.9
Mindful eating to help you remain on track on Shabbos, the 3 bite rule, and is variety the spice of life? All of this and more with special guest Rebekah Fedrowitz!
Mini: The Speech that Changed History, Ep.8
Sarah Schenirer championed girls education and singlehandedly had the greatest influence on the Orthodox Jewish community in the last 100 years.
Addicted to Sugar? Ep.7
Why it’s so hard to break the sugar habit, are artificial sweeteners making things worse, how to healthfully satisfy your sweet tooth and more, with special guest Vonnie Tomlinson.
Mini: A Kid in a Candy Store, Ep.6
I love “All of a Kind Family” by Sydney Taylor because it reminds me of a simpler time when indulging in sweets was truly a treat!
Kickstart Your Day! Ep.5
Why you should eat breakfast to kickstart your day, tips for keeping your energy up, easy breakfast options for you and your family, and more!
Mini: Thank you from the Mother of a Lone Soldier, Ep.4
My dear Los Angeles friend, Cheryl Azair, writes a love letter to the people of Israel thanking them for watching out for her lone soldier daughter, a sharpshooter in the Israeli army.
Eating for Health, Ep.3
Eating for Health, what diet is right for me, the 4 Levels of Eating and more with special guest Dr. Ed Bauman!
Mini: Don’t Let a Good Idea Pass You By, Ep.2
A very talented cat taught me not to procrastinate, but to follow my dreams. Book on Amazon.
Keeping Kosher, Keeping Healthy, Ep.1
Why the kosher lifestyle can lead to a dangerous cycle of overeating, the “Thrifty Gene Hypothesis,” and more, with special guests Naf and Anna Hanau, the founders of Grow & Behold.
Prep + Rally! Ep. 25
Learn how to make dinner prep as easy as 1-2-3 while saving time, money, and your sanity with guest Dini Klein of Prep + Rally! 15% discount off all subscriptions when you use code LMPE.